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Al-Jamia-tus-Salafiah (Markazi Darul-Uloom) Varanasi, India is a central institution of education and training. It is the out come of the dreams and blessings of the well wishers of Jama’at Ahle Hadith. This education centre was founded in 1963 by the honourable ambassador of Saudi Arabia – Yusuf Al-Fauzan under the movement of All India Ahle Hadith Conference (The biggest wing of Jama’at Ahle Hadith).

Then it was inaugurated in 1966 by Allama Abdul Qadir Shaibatul Hamd – the representative of Sheikh Ibn Baz (Rahimahullah) Vice Chancellor of Jamia Islamia, Madina Munauwarah (K.S.A.). And the task of education and training started in a planned way with the help of highly qualified teachers. Fifty years have passed since the foundation of the Jamiah and by Allah’s grace during this span of time it has performed marvelous feat in the field of developments for the acquisition of its aims and objectives. Groups of ulema du’at, writers and research scholars have regularly been working for the upliftment of religion. The discharged students of the Jamiah have been joining other universities of India, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, for higher education. Some of them are in government service and some are working in private departments of education and research and earning fame for themselves and for the Jamia as well.

Jamiah has progressed according to its plan and new departments have been opened at regular basis, at the same time its requirements and needs have also been increasing. But so far, we have been able to cross all the hurdles by the grace of Allah and support of helping persons like you.

Progress in Jamiah, At a Glance:

  • Separate colleges have been opened for boys and girls providing both religious and modern education.
  • Jamiah is situated on a small ground which can not accommodate a large number of students, to over come this problem more than 27 madarsas have been joined to the Jamia.
  • There is a separate department for research, compilation and translation, which has circulated more than four hundred books in Arabic, Urdu, Hindi and English languages both inside the country and abroad.
  • There is a permanent department of Ifta (Legal Opinion), and the expounders of irrevocable code of Muslim Law send reply to the letters from the different part of the country.
  • Department of press is in the process of regular publication of two magazines which have been reaching to the entire world. And the work of guidance (Dawa) is going on in a planned way.
  • The library of the Jamiah holds a particular importance. It has been set up in a beautiful building which has thousands of books on different subjects. It is well equipped with modern machines which provides conducive environment to the scholars and researchers.
  • The large building of the mosque of the Jamiah holds a unique position for its art and structure. Which has a basement also that is used during examinations and other programmes.
  • Jamiah has a large assembly hall with modern equipments, where cultural programmes and trainings are held every fortnight, in which different scholars and educationists are invited.
  • Special Stress is given on health and hygiene for this Jamiah has arranged volley ball courts, for the students. They play under the coaching of ablest teachers. Insecticides and anti disease medicines are sprinkled at regular interval. Water purifying machines have been set up for clean and pure water.
  • There is also a computer institute in Jamiah where students can learn computers.
  • A centre of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has also been started for Muslim boys & girls, from where they can get the degress of B.A., B.Com, M.A. and get diploma in English Language, Food & Nutrition and Mass Communication through distant education.

This is not hidden from anybody that Jamiah Salafiah is reckoned to be the leading education centre of Jama’at Ahle Hadith in Asia. Even today we are trying to make it better and better.

Financial reinforcement is desperately needed to raise the standard of this great institution.

We make a very humble request to our well-wishers and benefactors to consider the greatness and uniqueness of this institution and pay special attention towards its financial issues and help us fulfill the financial needs of the Jamiah.

May Allah help this institution prosper more and more. And help us perform our deeds merely for His will. And help him who send any kind of financial help to the Jamiah.

 Abdullah Saud

General Secretary


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